Monday, October 8, 2012

The Uniqueness of Karinding

Karinding is a unique Sundanese traditional music instrument in Indonesia. The form is simple, made from dry palm tree (Kawung), or a bamboo splinter approximately 10cm x 2cm. Shakes alluring tone caused by Karinding relies on the ability to process flavors. In antiquity, vibrating tone is used as a decoy Karinding liver taste sensitivity is required to play this instrument, Karinding not have a permanent tones like piano, high-low tone is determined by the ability to process Karinding echo sound vibrations in the oral cavity.

This instrument consists of three sections. Vibration effects arising from the middle section of the cut. To ring, these instruments are held to the mouth, then hit one end with your fingers. Blow on the bar bending vibrations will produce sound.

Vibration will be deposited in the oral cavity that serves such a resonator or container echo. Notching the oral cavity will set a tone desired vibration. These tones can be made louder sound with the help of a bamboo tube.

There are two kinds of Karinding, namely Karinding Lanang and Karinding Wadon. Karinding Lanang made of palm tree (Kawung) speak louder, Karinding is usually played by a man. Karinding Wadon made of bamboo splinter and produce sound instead. Aside from being a musical instrument, Karinding is also commonly used as a hairpin.

Karinding musical instrument well known in public life in Tatar Sunda since the 15th century. In Sundanese, mention Karinding also refer Kakarindingan, which is a kind of insect shrill that live in the water field. Sound of the instrument is similar to the sound Karinding imagined insects.

In antiquity Karinding inseparable from the life of Sundanese people. The instrument is always carry-one and played to dispel the boredom when in lading. In addition to the entertainment, resonance Karinding sound is also used as a repellent insect. Karinding also be interpreted as a means of communication. This instrument is usually played by a man to conquer hearts. Sounds of Karinding is a typical appeal, because it will be the same on each man because it depends on the structure of one's oral cavity

The current Karinding art can only be found in a number of areas in Priangan, among others, at District Cineam, Tasikmalaya Region. A number of artists in the tradition is still faithfully maintained Karinding arts, among others Oyon Noraharjo and Yoyo Yogasmara. Efforts to popularize Karinding among young people also do group Karinding Attack. This group combines trill Karinding with electric music to get the impression of a modern futuristic.

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