Monday, October 8, 2012

Mandau: Dayak Traditional Weapon

Dayak tribe is a tribe who lived and settled on the island of Kalimantan Indonesia. It is said, the Dayak tribe is considered a native of the Kalimantan island. Telling about the Dayak tribe, we must also speak about a Mandau (a kind of knife), the Dayak traditional weapons. First, Mandau only be used as a weapon of war against the enemy. Mandau also believed to have sanctity. Dayak tribe believes, Mandau can give honor to the owner.

There are two kinds of Mandau.  First for war or special ritual, and second Mandau for ornaments and displayed on the wall. The last one is said the original Mandau that believed to have a magical powers. When it is used for war, this weapon can give magical powers to the owner. In fact, Mandau is also believed to make the owner to be immune against the enemy.

The shape of Mandau  relatively similar with machetes and iron. While the upstream or the handle is made of wood. There are also upper made of buffalo horns or antlers. Typically, Hornbill bird-shaped carvings, one bird species in Kalimantan became it’s trademark.

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